Publications & Talks

Journal Articles

Robinson, K., Boyes, M. E., Wilson, M. S., & Grimshaw, G. M. (2023). Emotional responding to overt and suble social exclusion among young women who engage in non-suicidal self-injury. Royal Society Open Science, 10(3), 221100. [LINK].

Fraser, G., Brady, A., & Wilson, M. S. (2022). Mental health support experiences of rainbow rangatahi youth in Aotearoa New Zealand: results from a co-designed online survey. Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand, 52(4), 472-489. [LINK].

Fraser, G., Grattan, F., Shaw, J., Hedley, S., McLeod, K. E., Robinson, K., Ward, P. J., & Tennent, E. (2022). “lemme get uhhhhh froot”: Internet memes for consciousness-raising in Aotearoa’s Bird of the Year conservation campaign. New Zealand Journal of Psychology, 51(1), 46-58. [LINK].

Broodryk, T., & Robinson, K. (2022). Locking down behavioural compliance: The role of emotion and emotion regulation in breaches of COVID-19 mitigation measures in Aotearoa New Zealand. Journal of Health Psychology, 27(10), 2330-2343. [LINK].

Hamza, C. A., Robinson, R., Hasking, P. A., Heath, N. L., Lewis, S. P., Lloyd-Richardson, E., Whitlock, J. & Wilson, M. S. (2021). Educational stakeholders’ attitudes and knowledge about nonsuicidal self-injury among university students: A cross-national study. Journal of American College Health, 1-11. [LINK].

Fraser, G., Brady, A., & Wilson, M. S. (2021). “What if I’m not trans enough? What if I’m not man enough?”: Transgender young adults’ experiences of gender-affirming healthcare readiness assessments in Aotearoa New Zealand. International Journal of Transgender Health, 22(4), 454-467. [LINK].

Robinson, K., Garisch, J. A., & Wilson, M. S. (2021). Nonsuicidal self-injury thoughts and behavioural characteristics: Associations with suicidal thoughts and behaviours among community adolescents. Journal of Affective Disorders, 282, 1247-1254. [LINK].

Robinson, K., & Wilson, M. S. (2020). Open to interpretation? Inconsistent reporting of lifetime nonsuicidal self-injury across two common assessments. Psychological Assessment, 32(8), 726–738. [LINK]

Garisch, J. A., Robinson, K., Wilson, M. S., Garisch, J. A., Robinson, K., & Wilson, M. S. (2020). Responding to non-suicidal self-injury in New Zealand secondary schools: Guidance counsellors’ perspectives. New Zealand Journal of Counselling, 40(1), 15-29. [LINK].

Fraser, G., Bulbulia, J., Graves, L. M., Wilson, M. S., & Sibley, C. G. (2020). Coding responses to an open-ended gender measure in a New Zealand national sample. The Journal of Sex Research, 57(8), 979-986. [LINK].

Hasking, P. A., Lewis, S. P., Robinson, K., Heath, N. L., & Wilson, M. S. (2019). Conducting research on nonsuicidal self-injury in schools: Ethical considerations and recommendations. School Psychology International40(3), 217-234. [LINK].

Fraser, G. (2018). Evaluating inclusive gender identity measures for use in quantitative psychological research. Psychology & Sexuality, 9(4), 343–357. doi:10.1080/19419899.2018.1497693. [LINK].

Robinson, K., Garisch, J.A., Kingi, T., Brocklesby, M., O’Connell, A.., Langlands, R.L., Russell, L & Wilson, M.S. (2018). Reciprocal risk: The longitudinal relationship between emotion regulation and non-suicidal self-injury in adolescents. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology. doi: 10.1007/s10802-018-0450-6. [LINK].

Whitlock, J., Baetens, I., Lloyd-Richardson E., Hasking, P., Lewis, S., Franz, P., Robinson, K. (2018). Helping schools support caregivers of youth who self-injure: Considerations and recommendations. School Psychology International. doi: 10.1177/0143034318771415. [LINK].

Fraser, G., Wilson, M., Garisch, J., Robinson, K., Brocklesby M., Kingi, T., O’Connell, A., & Russell, L. (2018). Non-suicidal self-injury, sexuality concerns, and emotion regulation among sexually diverse adolescents: A multiple mediation analysis. Archives of Suicide Research, 22 (3), 432–452. [LINK].

Kingi, T., Russell, L., Ashby, W., and The Youth Wellbeing Study Team. (2017). Mā te mātau, ka ora: The use of traditional Indigenous knowledge to support contemporary rangatahi Māori who self-injure. New Zealand Journal of Psychology, 46 (3),  137–145. [LINK].

Robinson, K., Brocklesby, M., Garisch, J.A., O’Connell, A., Langlands, R., Russell, L., Kingi, T., Brown, E., & Wilson, M.S. (2017). Socioeconomic deprivation and non-suicidal self-injury in New Zealand adolescents: The mediating role of depression and anxiety. New Zealand Journal of Psychology, 46 (3), 126–136. [LINK].

Garisch, J.A., Wilson, M.S., O’Connell, A., & Robinson, K. (2017). Overview of Assessment and Treatment of Non-suicidal Self-Injury among Adolescents. New Zealand Journal of Psychology, 46 (3), 98–105.[LINK].

Garisch, J. A., Wilson, M. S., Robinson, K., Brocklesby, M., O’ Connell, A., Langlands, R. L, Russell, L., Kingi, T., & Brown, E. J. (2016). Adolescent wellbeing in Aotearoa New Zealand: The importance of school environment. Journal of the New Zealand College of Clinical Psychologists, 26(2), 35–40. [LINK]

Hasking, P. A., Heath, N. L., Kaess, M., Lewis, S. P., Plener, P. L., Walsh, B. W., Witlock, J.,  & Wilson, M. S. (2016). Position paper for guiding response to non-suicidal self-injury in schools. School Psychology International, 37(6), 644–663. [LINK]

Wilson, M. S., Garisch, J. A., Langlands, R. L., O’Connell, A., Russell, L., Brown, E., Kingi, T., Robinson, K., Brocklesby, M., Judge, M. (2015). Adolescent non-suicidal self-injury in Aotearoa New Zealand. Psychology Aotearoa, 7(2), 130–133. [LINK]

Wilson, M. S., Garisch., J., Langlands, R., Russell, L., O’Connell, A., Brown, E. J., Kingi, T., Judge, M., & Robinson, K. (2014). Prevalence, Correlates, and Functions of Deliberate Self-Harm and Non-suicidal Self-Injury: Self-harm and Borderline Personality Disorder. Journal of the Australian Clinical Psychology Association, 9 (July), 38–42. Invited paper. [LINK}

Student Theses

Robinson, K. (2021). PhD Thesis title: Emotion in non-suicidal self-injury: A contradiction between global self-reports and real-time responses. [LINK].

Miles, N. (2021). MSc Thesis title: From attachment insecurity to non-suicidal self-injury: The mediating role of emotion regulation. [LINK].

Fraser, G. (2020). PhD Thesis title: Rainbow experiences of accessing mental health support in Aotearoa New Zealand: A community-based mixed methods study. [LINK].

Pihema, C. (2018). MSc Thesis title: Tūmanako: Kaupapa Māori informed action research with young mothers. [LINK]

Brocklesby, M. (2017). PhD Thesis title: A longitudinal investigation of non-suicidal self-injury and perfectionism in a sample of New Zealand Adolescents. [LINK]

Robinson, K. (2017). MSc Thesis title: Reciprocal risk: The longitudinal relationship between emotion regulation and non-suicidal self-injury. [LINK]

Brown, E. A. (2015).  PhD Thesis title: What is the nature of the relationship between Bullying and Non-Suicidal Self-Injury in New Zealand adolescents?

Garisch, J. A. (2010). PhD Thesis title: Youth deliberate self-harm: Interpersonal and intrapersonal vulnerability factors, and constructions and attitudes within the social environment. [LINK]


Here you can download the presentation slides from our workshops and public talks. (Note that we are currently changing platforms, so this page is under development).

Collaboration with Through the Blue Charitable Trust

Our research lab has been lucky enough to have the opportunity to collaborate with Through the Blue Charitable Trust, to pilot an emotion regulation professional training for secondary school staff.

Through the Blue are made up of a group of 20 people, with four members rowing the Cook Straight on the 1st of June 2018 to raise money for Youth Mental Health. With the money raised, Through the Blue is finding ways to advocate and support youth mental health, and as part of this endeavor teamed up with the Youth Wellbeing Study team to create a training for secondary school staff on emotion regulation.

The emotion regulation training program has various resources, with the intention that the program is accessible in multiple formats (i.e. online learning and/or face-to-face workshops). The training includes a workbook, three short videos that go over core teaching points from the program, and two 60 minute workshops.

We will make resources from this training available via this website in the near future.

To learn more about Through the Blue Charitable Trust, you can read an RNZ article about their row across the cook straight here.


International Society for the Study of Self-Injury conference, 18-19 October. Marc Wilson. What do people think about participating in self-injury research?

Wellington Guidance Counsellor Workshop, June 2019. Marc Wilson. Non-Suicidal Self-Injury.


New Zealand Association of Counsellors, Non-Suicidal Self-Injury.

Ōtaki College, May 23rd. Non-Suicidal Self-Injury Education.

Health Research Council Summary of Findings, May 2018.


Onslow College Parent Evening, 15th August. Marc Wilson, Kealagh Robinson and Jessica Garisch. Emotion Regulation.

Tawa College, 30th May. Marc Wilson and Kealagh Robinson. Emotion Regulation.

Wellington East Girl’s College, 17th of May and 21st of June. Marc Wilson and Kealagh Robinson. Managing Perfectionism.

St Mary’s College, 2nd February. Marc Wilson and Kealagh Robinson. Understanding our emotions.


Youth Aid Advanced Course, Royal New Zealand Police College, 25th November. Marc Wilson, Jessica Garisch and Kealagh Robinson. Introduction to adolescent mental health. 

Wellington Guidance Counsellor Workshop, 16th September. Marc Wilson, Jessica Garisch and Kealagh Robinson. Emotion Regulation in Adolescents: Development, Environmental Factors and Implications for Clinical Practice. 

Kapiti College, 27th July.  Marc Wilson and Jessica Garisch. Adolescent Wellbeing: Understanding anxiety and stress and the buffer of resilience.


St Mary’s College, 14th May. Marc Wilson and Jessica Garisch. Non-Suicidal Self-Injury. 

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